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前往 Integrations 查看关于具有自查询支持的向量存储的文档。

自查询检索器顾名思义,具备自我查询的能力。具体来说,给定任何自然语言查询,检索器使用查询构造的 LLM 链来编写结构化查询,然后将该结构化查询应用于其底层的 VectorStore。这使得检索器不仅可以使用用户输入的查询与存储文档的内容进行语义相似性比较,还可以从用户查询中提取关于存储文档元数据的过滤器并执行这些过滤器。


为了演示,我们将使用 Chroma 向量存储。我们创建了一小组包含电影摘要的演示文档。

注意: 自查询检索器需要您安装 lark 包。

%pip install --upgrade --quiet  lark langchain-chroma
from langchain_chroma import Chroma
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings

docs = [
page_content="A bunch of scientists bring back dinosaurs and mayhem breaks loose",
metadata={"year": 1993, "rating": 7.7, "genre": "science fiction"},
page_content="Leo DiCaprio gets lost in a dream within a dream within a dream within a ...",
metadata={"year": 2010, "director": "Christopher Nolan", "rating": 8.2},
page_content="A psychologist / detective gets lost in a series of dreams within dreams within dreams and Inception reused the idea",
metadata={"year": 2006, "director": "Satoshi Kon", "rating": 8.6},
page_content="A bunch of normal-sized women are supremely wholesome and some men pine after them",
metadata={"year": 2019, "director": "Greta Gerwig", "rating": 8.3},
page_content="Toys come alive and have a blast doing so",
metadata={"year": 1995, "genre": "animated"},
page_content="Three men walk into the Zone, three men walk out of the Zone",
"year": 1979,
"director": "Andrei Tarkovsky",
"genre": "thriller",
"rating": 9.9,
vectorstore = Chroma.from_documents(docs, OpenAIEmbeddings())



from langchain.chains.query_constructor.base import AttributeInfo
from langchain.retrievers.self_query.base import SelfQueryRetriever
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

metadata_field_info = [
description="The genre of the movie. One of ['science fiction', 'comedy', 'drama', 'thriller', 'romance', 'action', 'animated']",
description="The year the movie was released",
description="The name of the movie director",
name="rating", description="A 1-10 rating for the movie", type="float"
document_content_description = "Brief summary of a movie"
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0)
retriever = SelfQueryRetriever.from_llm(



# This example only specifies a filter
retriever.invoke("I want to watch a movie rated higher than 8.5")
[Document(page_content='Three men walk into the Zone, three men walk out of the Zone', metadata={'director': 'Andrei Tarkovsky', 'genre': 'thriller', 'rating': 9.9, 'year': 1979}),
Document(page_content='A psychologist / detective gets lost in a series of dreams within dreams within dreams and Inception reused the idea', metadata={'director': 'Satoshi Kon', 'rating': 8.6, 'year': 2006})]
# This example specifies a query and a filter
retriever.invoke("Has Greta Gerwig directed any movies about women")
[Document(page_content='A bunch of normal-sized women are supremely wholesome and some men pine after them', metadata={'director': 'Greta Gerwig', 'rating': 8.3, 'year': 2019})]
# This example specifies a composite filter
retriever.invoke("What's a highly rated (above 8.5) science fiction film?")
[Document(page_content='A psychologist / detective gets lost in a series of dreams within dreams within dreams and Inception reused the idea', metadata={'director': 'Satoshi Kon', 'rating': 8.6, 'year': 2006}),
Document(page_content='Three men walk into the Zone, three men walk out of the Zone', metadata={'director': 'Andrei Tarkovsky', 'genre': 'thriller', 'rating': 9.9, 'year': 1979})]
# This example specifies a query and composite filter
"What's a movie after 1990 but before 2005 that's all about toys, and preferably is animated"
[Document(page_content='Toys come alive and have a blast doing so', metadata={'genre': 'animated', 'year': 1995})]

过滤 k

我们还可以使用自查询检索器来指定 k:要获取的文档数量。

我们可以通过将 enable_limit=True 传递给构造函数来实现这一点。

retriever = SelfQueryRetriever.from_llm(

# This example only specifies a relevant query
retriever.invoke("What are two movies about dinosaurs")
[Document(page_content='A bunch of scientists bring back dinosaurs and mayhem breaks loose', metadata={'genre': 'science fiction', 'rating': 7.7, 'year': 1993}),
Document(page_content='Toys come alive and have a blast doing so', metadata={'genre': 'animated', 'year': 1995})]

从头开始构建 LCEL


首先,我们需要创建一个查询构建链。该链将接受用户查询并生成一个 StructuredQuery 对象,该对象捕获用户指定的过滤条件。我们提供了一些帮助函数来创建提示和输出解析器。为了简单起见,这里我们将忽略一些可调参数。

from langchain.chains.query_constructor.base import (

prompt = get_query_constructor_prompt(
output_parser = StructuredQueryOutputParser.from_components()
query_constructor = prompt | llm | output_parser


print(prompt.format(query="dummy question"))
Your goal is to structure the user's query to match the request schema provided below.

<< Structured Request Schema >>
When responding use a markdown code snippet with a JSON object formatted in the following schema:

"query": string \ text string to compare to document contents
"filter": string \ logical condition statement for filtering documents

The query string should contain only text that is expected to match the contents of documents. Any conditions in the filter should not be mentioned in the query as well.

A logical condition statement is composed of one or more comparison and logical operation statements.

A comparison statement takes the form: comp(attr, val):

  • comp (eq | ne | gt | gte | lt | lte | contain | like | in | nin): comparator
  • attr (string): name of attribute to apply the comparison to
  • val (string): is the comparison value

A logical operation statement takes the form op(statement1, statement2, ...):

  • op (and | or | not): logical operator
  • statement1, statement2, ... (comparison statements or logical operation statements): one or more statements to apply the operation to

Make sure that you only use the comparators and logical operators listed above and no others. Make sure that filters only refer to attributes that exist in the data source. Make sure that filters only use the attributed names with its function names if there are functions applied on them. Make sure that filters only use format YYYY-MM-DD when handling date data typed values. Make sure that filters take into account the descriptions of attributes and only make comparisons that are feasible given the type of data being stored. Make sure that filters are only used as needed. If there are no filters that should be applied return "NO_FILTER" for the filter value.

<< Example 1. >> Data Source:

"content": "Lyrics of a song",
"attributes": {
"artist": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Name of the song artist"
"length": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "Length of the song in seconds"
"genre": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The song genre, one of "pop", "rock" or "rap""

User Query: What are songs by Taylor Swift or Katy Perry about teenage romance under 3 minutes long in the dance pop genre

Structured Request:

"query": "teenager love",
"filter": "and(or(eq(\"artist\", \"Taylor Swift\"), eq(\"artist\", \"Katy Perry\")), lt(\"length\", 180), eq(\"genre\", \"pop\"))"

<< Example 2. >> Data Source:

"content": "Lyrics of a song",
"attributes": {
"artist": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Name of the song artist"
"length": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "Length of the song in seconds"
"genre": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The song genre, one of "pop", "rock" or "rap""

User Query: What are songs that were not published on Spotify

Structured Request:

"query": "",
"filter": "NO_FILTER"

<< Example 3. >> Data Source:

"content": "Brief summary of a movie",
"attributes": {
"genre": {
"description": "The genre of the movie. One of ['science fiction', 'comedy', 'drama', 'thriller', 'romance', 'action', 'animated']",
"type": "string"
"year": {
"description": "The year the movie was released",
"type": "integer"
"director": {
"description": "The name of the movie director",
"type": "string"
"rating": {
"description": "A 1-10 rating for the movie",
"type": "float"

User Query: dummy question

Structured Request:

And what our full chain produces:

"query": "What are some sci-fi movies from the 90's directed by Luc Besson about taxi drivers"
StructuredQuery(query='taxi driver', filter=Operation(operator=<Operator.AND: 'and'>, arguments=[Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.EQ: 'eq'>, attribute='genre', value='science fiction'), Operation(operator=<Operator.AND: 'and'>, arguments=[Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.GTE: 'gte'>, attribute='year', value=1990), Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.LT: 'lt'>, attribute='year', value=2000)]), Comparison(comparator=<Comparator.EQ: 'eq'>, attribute='director', value='Luc Besson')]), limit=None)

查询构造器是自查询检索器的关键元素。要构建一个优秀的检索系统,您需要确保查询构造器运行良好。这通常需要调整提示、提示中的示例、属性描述等。有关逐步完善某些酒店库存数据的查询构造器的示例,请 查看此食谱

下一个关键元素是结构化查询翻译器。该对象负责将通用的 StructuredQuery 对象翻译为您使用的向量存储的元数据过滤器。LangChain 提供了许多内置翻译器。要查看所有翻译器,请前往 集成部分

from langchain.retrievers.self_query.chroma import ChromaTranslator

retriever = SelfQueryRetriever(
"What's a movie after 1990 but before 2005 that's all about toys, and preferably is animated"
[Document(page_content='Toys come alive and have a blast doing so', metadata={'genre': 'animated', 'year': 1995})]


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